Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of material does PRCC sell?

PRCC sells whole, baled PET plastic bottles and containers. These bottles are from post consumer collection programs and are flattened by processors into bales.Bales range in weight between 650 lbs. and 1700 lbs., with an average weight of 1200 lbs.Grade A bales are 100% buyback, averaging 95% PET beverage bottles and 5% other types of PET containers.Grade B bales average 85% PET beverage bottles and 15% other types of PET containers.Grade B with Thermoform bales average 18% Thermoform containers.Other bales are all PET packages such as salad dressing bottles, shampoo bottles and peanut butter jars. The color composition of the bales is approximately 90% clear and 10% color. The color and clear containers are mixed together in each bale, not separated.

Can PRCC send a sample of the PET?

No. PRCC does not have plastic on-site; we are brokers representing PET certified processors in California. The PET we sell is not chipped; it is whole PET bottles and containers.

How much material does PRCC sell?

PRCC allocates approximately 19 million pounds per month for sale to buyers. This material is not sold to one buyer; it is allocated to several buyers.

What are the terms of payment for first-time buyers?

First-time buyers are required to pre-pay 100% prior to shipping, and are responsible for any wire transfer fees incurred.

What are the most common delivery terms for PET bought from PRCC?

For domestic loads, PRCC will notify buyer with list of processor’s locations where material is to be picked up. Dates and times of pick-ups may be coordinated between processor and truck line. PRCC must be notified of this schedule in order to prepare the necessary release. Without this release, the processor will not load.

For export loads, when purchased material is ready to be shipped, PRCC will notify the buyer to arrange a booking with a cut-off date of approximately 10 days later. PRCC will deliver material Freight Aside Ship (FAS) to the port specified by the buyer usually Long Beach/San Pedro, Los Angeles, Oakland, or San Francisco. PRCC is not a freight forwarder. The processors will make their own shipping arrangements upon receipt of the booking information.

What type of shipping containers does PRCC prefer and what are the weights of these containers?

For domestic shipments a 48′ x 102′ (minimum) van is required. If a 53′ x 102′ van is provided, a triple rear axle is required for the additional length/weight.

For export shipments, PRCC prefers shipping PET in 45 foot high cube containers (40-foot high cubes can be used occasionally, on a case by case basis). PRCC processors deliver containers, which weigh an average of 40,000 lbs.