1. Click on each row to activate the upload/drag-n-drop box, and upload the docs belonging to that release there. You can include one file with many docs in it, or separate docs. You can upload as many docs to each release as you want.
2. After uploading, a paperclip icon will show in the row, with a count of how many docs have been uploaded
3. Click the “load never happened” checkbox if you don’t have paperwork for the load because it was either canclelled or never happened, and that will tell us to investigate and or update our records.
4. Click the “Leave a Note” button to send us some message explaining things, or just to say hello.
5. Click the submit button as the last thing you do. Super important: this link is only good one time, after you submit, the link will no longer work, so make sure you’ve uploaded everything you want before submitting.
6. Upload only weight tickets, BOLs or other documents with weights and dates on them. Do not upload invoices.
7. If you don’t have paperwork for a release, or if you forget to upload a doc, don’t worry, we plan to send these emails out every day, you will have a chance again tomorrow, or you can request that a new link be sent if you really messed up and need a fresh start.
8. The email is designed for only one person to use, so while you can delegate and send it to someone else to do the entry, two people can’t use the same link, and each link can only be used once. We can send individual emails to multiple people, each containing the same list of releases, that way someone can upload some of the docs, and another person can upload other docs. Please let us know if you would like to configure things that way.